Refreshes and revitalizes hair

The massage lotion gently refreshes the scalp, revitalizes the hair and stimulates its growth. It also improves blood circulation, helping to stimulate hair growth.

Its formula is composed of several active ingredients such as:

  • Menthol - soothes irritated scalps, increases blood flow and cleanses pores of irritating substances, so hair grows easily and healthily
  • Glycerin - Moisturizing and restorative, helps to balance normal hydration
  • Aloe Vera Extract - An excellent moisturizer, which has several anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components and also helps in wound healing and skin regeneration.

Main features:

  • Perfect for anyone looking to reverse the signs of hair loss

  • refreshes the scalp

  • Stimulates hair growth

How to use: Apply the massage lotion to washed and damp hair, and gently massage the scalp with your fingertips. Do not go through water.

Tip: In the salon, before applying the massage lotion, wash your hair with any of the Subrina Professional shampoos and, if necessary, combine it with a conditioner to nourish and close the hair cuticle. At home, we recommend using the anti-hair loss shampoo for 3-4 months, twice a week. We recommend using Anti-Fall Therapy for 3-4 months, twice a week, with the Anti-Fall Shampoo. For severe forms of hair loss, use an additional ampoule of anti-hair loss therapy on dry hair before shampooing. Massage into the scalp and let it act for 20-30 minutes.

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