
Activated water with antioxidant action, formulated to counter free radicals that oxidize the skin. Cocoa and Goji berry extracts help protect and oxygenate the skin, making it more vital and shiny.

Main features:

  • antioxidant action
  • Protection against UVB rays
  • Photo-protective and anti-aging action

How to use: Choose the NECTAR fluid according to the skin to be treated. With the measuring cup, fill 35ml of Nectar for 2 g of FLOSSY DUST powder. Put in the powder and then the fluid and wait 1 to 2 seconds. Then, using a brush, blend the mask incorporating as much air as possible, so as to form a smooth texture. Apply the mask to the face and leave for at least 10 minutes. Massage and rinse off the mask residue. Finish the treatment with the chosen cream.

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