A specific anti-cellulite reducing gel for use in pressotherapy devices.

The combination of the product with pressotherapy activates return venous circulation, favors lymphatic drainage and improves skin elasticity and appearance.

Its active principles include some key ingredients, such as:

Horse Chestnut Extract: Tones up the arteries and capillaries, prevents the formation of edema and increases the resistance of blood vessels. It is decongestant, vasoprotective and vasoconstrictor.

Ivy Extract: Toning, astringent and reducing properties by preventing the accumulation of water in superficial tissues. It also has vasoconstrictor properties due to its vitamin P content.

Reduces tissue sensitivity, activates circulation and helps reduce local inflammation.

Sage Extract: Antiseptic and antioxidant. It also has a circulatory effect, stimulating the processes of cell nutrition and regeneration.

Menthol: Instant freshness sensation, local analgesic and antimicrobial.

Camphor: It has rubefacient, antiseptic and slightly analgesic action. It is used in the form of liniments, alcoholic lotions and ointments, as a revulsive in joint pain, muscle pain, neuralgia and other similar conditions.

Glycerin: Ingredient with emollient and hygroscopic properties. That is, it absorbs moisture from the environment and transmits it to the skin, making it softer, hydrated and protected.

Main features:

  • Activate the circulation
  • favors lymphatic drainage
  • Improves skin elasticity

How to use: Apply to the legs, massaging in upward movements, starting with the ankles. Then carry out the pressotherapy procedure. At the end of the treatment, remove excess product with gauze. External use.

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