Ylang-ylang is a flower native to Madagascar and the essential oil extracted from this flower has long been prized for its physical and mental properties.

On the one hand, it is known to be a blood circulation stimulant, and on the other, it has relaxing and calming effects on anxiety. The sweet aroma of ylang-ylang oil can also help restore emotional balance and reduce stress.

It is even considered beneficial for the skin and hair.

On the skin, it is used to balance oiliness and improve the appearance of blemishes and acne. It can also help reduce inflammation and improve the appearance of wrinkles.

On the hair, it can be useful in preventing hair loss and improving split ends. A versatile and powerful ingredient that can bring many benefits not only for beauty but also for health.

Main features:

  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Relax and calm anxiety
  • Helps in reducing stress
  • Reduces hair loss and prevents split ends
  • Balances skin oiliness
  • Improves blemishes, acne and wrinkles

How to use: To use essential oils, there are different methods, such as massage, diluted in creams or carrier oils, pure or inhaled, placing a few drops of oil in a diffuser or applying a few drops in hot water to inhale the steam. It is important to remember that, depending on the type of oil used, the physical, mental and emotional effects may vary.

Aromatherapy should be used with caution and, preferably, under the guidance of a qualified professional, who will check the contraindications, dosages and best ways of using it.

Some precautions must be taken when using essential oils, such as avoiding ingestion, contact with eyes and, in case of accidental contact, rinsing thoroughly with cold water. If irritation or any other adverse reaction occurs, discontinue use immediately. Also, essential oils should be kept out of the reach of children.

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