Kasho Designing blades are the perfect choice for those looking for a quality, high-performance product for precise, smooth cuts.

With an ergonomic design, Kasho blades offer ideal conditions for comfortable and precise work. The exceptional sharpness of the blade, which comes from medical technology, allows for precise shaping and thinning, even on difficult hair or beards.

The plastic comb made of antibacterial material, seamless and attached to both sides of the blade prevents the accumulation of cut hair, ensuring a smooth, hygienic and static-free haircut.

These Kasho Designing blades are interchangeable, which means that their shape and size (length 5.9 cm) allow them to be used on a variety of supports, including Kasho's specially created Speed ​​Edge support.

Main features:
  • Ergonomic, modern and innovative design for precise and smooth cuts
  • Exceptional blade sharpness
  • Seamless plastic comb with antibacterial substances
  • Gentle, hygienic and static-free haircut
  • Interchangeable blades
  • Superior durability
  • Pack of 10 high quality stainless steel blades

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